Jury Scam Advisory to Summit County Residents

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The County of Summit, Adult Probation Department, is part of the General Division of the Court of Common Pleas.  The Department works under the direction of the Common Pleas Judges and the Court Executive Office.  The Probation Department is charged with providing supervision of offenders in the community, as well as producing various investigative reports for the Court.  The goal of the Department is to facilitate effective and efficient rehabilitative efforts for the offenders resulting in the creation of a safer environment for the citizens of Summit County.  Supervising offenders includes maintaining personal contact with the offenders and making appropriate referrals to Community Agencies..

The Adult Probation Department is located at 53 University Avenue.  The Intake Staff is the first contact for offenders referred to Probation.  The individuals in Intake are responsible for gathering the initial information, reading the Rules of Probation to the offenders, DNA Collection, and referring the Offenders to a Probation Officer. The Intake Department can be contacted at 330-643-2301 or 330-643-2053.  The following are located in the University Avenue location:  the Chief Probation Officer, Supervisors, Probation Officers, LEADS/Community Service Coordinator, Sealing Investigator, Intervention in Lieu of Conviction Assessment Officer, Pretrial Officers, Staff Support Specialists and Secretarial / Clerical Staff.

Depending on the needs of the offender and Court Order, Probation Cases are assigned to General Supervision Officers as well as Specialty Units.  Summit County also accepts Courtesy Supervision cases.  These are cases where the offender was adjudicated (case ruled on by a judge) in another county, in the State of Ohio, however, the offender permanently resides in the County of Summit.