Jury Scam Advisory to Summit County Residents

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The Reentry Court Program has been in existence since September 27, 2006. This Program is a collaboration of the Court of Common Pleas General Division, the Adult Probation Department and the Oriana House. The Program started with one Judge and has expanded to three Judges. The Reentry Court Judges are: Judge Alison McCarty, Judge Tammy O’Brien, and Judge Mary Margaret Rowlands.

A Judge refers a Client (offender) under consideration for Judicial Release to the Program. The Client is screened by a Reentry Probation Officer using the ORAS-SRT (Ohio Risk Assessment System – Supplement Reentry Tool). If the Client is granted Judicial Release by one of the Reentry Court Judges, that Client is either released from custody or transferred to residential programming at Oriana House, depending on the ORAS-SRT Risk Level.

The Reentry Court Judges, a Court Liaison or Reentry Caseworkers, and the Reentry Probation Officers, serve as a team to assist Clients through the course of the Program until their graduation. The process from entry to graduation generally takes one year.

Clients make regular appearances in Court for Status Reviews or Sanctions. Sanctions can prolong a Client’s placement in the Program. Clients who sanction out of the Program are returned to prison to complete any remaining time left on their original sentence.

The Summit County Reentry Court Program has a success/retention rate of 69% and serves as a “model” under the Supreme Court of Ohio.

For more information regarding the Reentry Court Program of Summit County, contact:  Emily Willard at 330-643-5074 / ewillard@summitcpcourt.com  or Kiel Freeman at 330-643-2772 / kfreeman@summitcpcourt.com

Reentry Court Rules