Jury Scam Advisory to Summit County Residents

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Welcome to the Jury Commission web page for the Summit County Common Pleas Court – General Division. This web page provides information for prospective jurors, their employers, and the general public regarding jury service with the court.

Please Read the Following if Requesting to be Excused from Jury Service or to Postpone Jury Service

If you would like to be excused from jury service, you will need to submit a written request either via postal mail, email, or fax.  Please choose only ONE method.

Requests for disqualification, postponement, or excusal must be received one week prior to your assigned jury service week.


What to Include in Your Written Request

  1. Your name, week of jury service, and Jury Badge Number (listed on your summons)
  2. Your address, phone number (cell and home, if applicable), and email address
  3. The reason you are requesting to be excused from jury service.
  4. Required documentation in support of your request. (See specific documentation required below).


Submitting Documentation

Documentation may be submitted via:

  • Email Jury Commission
  • Fax: 330.643.8235
  • Mail:
    Office of the Jury Commission
    209 S High Street
    Akron, OH 44308

Please include your Badge Number and week of jury service from your jury summons on all documentation.



Request for Disqualification: Click to toggle Details

Reasons for disqualification from jury service are all statutory in nature. They are reasons that, by law, make you ineligible for jury service in Summit County. Requests for disqualification must be submitted in writing and include required documentation.


  • You have permanently relocated and are no longer a resident of Summit County. Proof of out of county address required. Examples:
    • Rental/lease agreement in your name
    • Updated driver’s license
    • Utility bill in your name


  • You have been convicted of a felony under the laws of Ohio and HAVE NOT BEEN granted a final release by the Adult Parole Authority, or are CURRENTLY on Probation or serving a period of one or more community control sanctions.


  • You are not a citizen of the United States.
    • Written statement required


  • You are not 18 years of age
    • Proof of age at time of summons required


  • You are unable to speak, read, write or communicate effectively in the English language.  Please indicate what your primary language is.
    • Written statement by prospective juror required. May be translated by friend, family member or other representative. In addition to juror’s signature, please include name and signature of the person who translated the letter.


  • You have served as a juror in a court of record in Summit County within the past year.
    • Proof of service required.



Request to be Excused from Jury Service: Click to toggle Details

Requests to be excused from jury service should be made at least one week in advance of your assigned jury service week.  Excusals may be granted in certain circumstances, but must be submitted in writing and include the required, appropriate documentation. You may be excused from jury service if it is shown to the satisfaction of the jury commissioners that any of the following applies to your situation:


  • You are over seventy-five years of age and you request in writing to be excused from jury service.
  • You have a mental or physical condition that causes you to be incapable of performing jury service.  You are required to provide documentation from a physician verifying that a mental or physical condition renders you unfit for jury service for the remainder of the jury year.
  • Jury service would otherwise cause undue or extreme physical or financial hardship to you or a person under your care or supervision.  Undue or extreme physical or financial hardship is limited to circumstances in which any of the following apply:
    • You would be required to abandon a person under your personal care or supervision due to the impossibility of obtaining an appropriate substitute caregiver during the period of participation in the jury pool or on the jury. A letter from their doctor stating you are their primary caregiver is required.
    • You would incur costs that would have a substantial adverse impact on the payment of your necessary daily living expenses or on those for whom you provide the principal means of A letter from your employer on company letterhead stating you are not compensated for jury service is required.  If you are self-employed, a letter requesting excusal and proof of self-employment. Examples of proof are a business card or company letterhead, or a 1099.
    • You would suffer physical hardship that would result in illness or disease.  A letter from your doctor or mental health provider is required requesting you be excused from jury service.
    • Undue or extreme physical or financial hardship does not exist solely based on the fact that a prospective juror will be required to be absent from the prospective juror’s place of employment.
      • If a sole proprietor of a business, provides a letter detailing the nature of the business and the hardship the business will endure as well as proof of ownership.
      • If your employer does not offer a paid benefit for jury duty, provide a letter from your employer, on company letterhead that verifies employment and states that the company does not have a policy to pay for time off for jury duty or provide a copy of your employer’s jury duty policy.
      • If your salary is derived from commissions and your employer does not continue to pay any base salary amount for jury duty, provide a letter from your employer that verifies both employment and your status as a commissioned employee.


  • You are on active duty pursuant to an executive order of the president of the United States, an act of the congress of the United States, or section 29or 5923.21 of the Revised Code.  Copies of juror’s orders are required.


  • You are a cloistered member of a religious organization.
  • You are an active member of a recognized Amish sect and you request to be excused because of  your sincere belief that as a result of that membership you cannot pass judgment in a judicial matter.


Request for Deferral/Postponement: Click to toggle Details

You may request postponement of your jury duty at least two business days before your initial appearance by telephone, in writing, or by electronic mail, if both of the following apply:

  •     You have not previously been granted a postponement.
  •       You and the jury bailiff agree to a specified date on which the you will appear for jury service.


If your spouse or a near relative of yours or your spouse has recently died or is dangerously ill, you can postpone jury duty.  Written documentation from an attending physician is required.



If you have any questions about jury service that are not addressed on our website, please call the Jury Commissioners office at 330.643.2270.