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Welcome to the Jury Commission web page for the Summit County Common Pleas Court – General Division. This web page provides information for prospective jurors, their employers, and the general public regarding jury service with the court.


Please Read the Following if Requesting to Be Excused from Jury Service

If you need to be excused from jury service, you will need to submit a written request either via postal mail, email, or fax.

Requests for disqualification, postponement, or excuse must be received prior to your assigned jury service week.


What to Include in Your Written Request

  1. Your name and Jury Badge Number (listed on your summons)
  2. Your address, phone number (cell and home, if applicable), and email address
  3. The reason you are requesting to be excused from jury service.
  4. Required documentation in support of your request. (See specific documentation required below).

Submitting Documentation

Documentation may be submitted via:

  • Email Jury Commission
  • Fax: 330.643.8235
  • Mail:
    Office of the Jury Commission
    209 S High Street
    Akron, OH 44308


Be sure to include your Badge Number from your jury summons on all documentation.


Request for Disqualification   [bg_collapse view=”button-blue” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show this topic” hide-expand – collapse_text=”Hide topic” ]

Reasons for disqualification from jury service are all statutory in nature. They are reasons that, by law, make you ineligible for jury service in Summit County. Requests for disqualification must be submitted in writing and include required documentation.


  • You have permanently relocated and are no longer a resident of Summit County. Proof of out of county address required. Examples:
    • Rental/lease agreement in your name
    • Updated driver’s license
    • Utility bill in your name


  • You have been convicted of a felony under the laws of Ohio and HAVE NOT BEEN granted a final release by the Adult Parole Authority, or are CURRENTLY on Probation or serving a period of one or more community control sanctions.
    • Written statement required. Please include the charge(s) and approximate date of conviction. DO WE WANT TO ASK FOR THE COURT
  • You are not a citizen of the United States.
    • Written statement required
  • You are not 18 years of age
    • Proof of age at time of summons required
  • You are unable to speak, read, write or communicate effectively in the English language
    • Written statement by prospective juror required. May be translated by friend, family member or other representative. In addition to juror’s signature, please include name and signature of the person who translated the letter.


  • You have served as a juror in a court of record in Summit County within the past year.
    • Proof of service including court, case number, date of service


Request for Excuse   [bg_collapse view=”button-blue” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show this topic” hide-expand – collapse_text=”Hide topic” ]

  • All requests for excuse should be made at least one week in advance of your assigned jury service week.
  • Excusals may be granted in certain circumstances, but must be supported by appropriate documentation to back up the claim.
  • Inconvenience to a prospective juror or juror’s employer is not an acceptable reason to be excused from jury duty.


Request for Deferral/Postponement   [bg_collapse view=”button-blue” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show this topic” hide-expand – collapse_text=”Hide topic” ]

  • A serious physical or mental condition exists that would expose a prospective juror to undue risk of physical or mental hardship. Note: If the juror is under 75 years old, he/she must provide documentation filled out by the prospective juror’s physician.
  • Prospective jurors 75 years or older, may request an excuse based solely on age. Please call the Jury Commission at 330.643.2269 to be excused solely on age.
  • The prospective juror is the sole caregiver to an ill or disabled family member. Written documentation from an attending physician is required.
  • The prospective juror would suffer an extreme financial hardship in any of the situations as defined:
    • The prospective juror is the sole proprietor of a business. A letter detailing the nature of the business and the hardship the business would endure as well as proof of ownership is required (business card, letterhead, self-employment tax forms, etc.).
    • The prospective juror’s employer does not offer a paid benefit for jury duty. The juror should provide a letter from his/her employer that verifies employment and states that the company does not have a policy to pay for time off for jury duty. (Copies of jury duty policy in employer’s handbook alone are not acceptable.)
    • The prospective juror’s salary is derived from commissions and the employer does not continue to pay any base salary amount (if applicable) for jury duty. The juror should provide a letter from his/her employer that verifies both employment and the juror’s status as a commissioned employee.
  • The prospective juror is registered as a full-time student or is a part-time student with classes that directly conflict with the court hours of 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Copies of both an official current class schedule and college I.D. are required.
  • The prospective juror has no reasonably available means of public or private transportation to and from the courthouse. A letter detailing the transportation hardship is required.
  • The prospective juror has a personal obligation to provide childcare to a minor child or children between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m, Monday through Friday, and comparable care is not economically possible. A letter detailing the childcare hardship is required.
  • The prospective juror is a member of Active Duty Military Personnel. Copies of juror’s orders are required.


**  If you have any questions about excusals from jury service that are not addressed on our website, please call the Jury Commissioners office at 330.643.2269.