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The Summit County Court of Common Pleas conducts some hearings using remote technology.   The court uses Zoom for these connections.  A list of zoom hearing links for each judge is listed below.   Before connecting to the court, you will obtain best results by downloading and installing the Zoom meetings application for your computer, tablet, or phone device.   For phones, you can install the app from the Apple app store (Iphone), or the Google Play store (android).   For desktop or laptop computers, you can download the latest zoom app at https://zoom.us/download

Click here for instructions for remote access to Civil Stalking hearings

Court Zoom links:

The court uses “personal link names” in order to make the zoom meeting ID for each court easy to remember.   When joining a meeting from a phone device, you may need to click on “Join using a personal link name” in order to type in the meeting name.   Direct meeting links as well as the personal link names are listed below.

Judge Name:                                     Zoom Link                                                                           Personal Link Name

Judge Alison Breaux                      https://summitcpcourt.zoom.us/j/99895882547

Judge Christine Croce                   https://summitcpcourt.zoom.us/my/judgecrocecourt    judgecrocecourt

Judge Alison McCarty                   https://summitcpcourt.zoom.us/my/judgemccarty         judgemccarty

Judge Kelly McLaughlin               https://summitcpcourt.zoom.us/my/mclaughlincourt   mclaughlincourt

Judge Kathryn Michael                https://summitcpcourt.zoom.us/my/judgemichael           judgemichael

Judge Tammy O’Brien                  https://summitcpcourt.zoom.us/my/obriencourt               obriencourt

Judge Joy Malek Oldfield             https://summitcpcourt.zoom.us/my/judgejoy                      judgejoy

Judge Susan Baker Ross               https://summitcpcourt.zoom.us/my/judgerosscourt          judgerosscourt

Judge Mary Margaret Rowlands https://summitcpcourt.zoom.us/my/judgerowlandscourt judgerowlandscourt

Judge Jennifer D. Towell              https://summitcpcourt.zoom.us/my/judgetowell               judgetowell


Chief Magistrate Kandi O’Connor   https://summitcpcourt.zoom.us/my/kandioconnor        kandioconnor

Magistrate Courtroom                       https://summitcpcourt.zoom.us/my/cpcourtmagistrate  cpcourtmagistrate

Mediations (primary)                        https://summitcpcourt.zoom.us/my/cpcourtmediation   cpcourtmediation

Mediations (secondary)                    https://summitcpcourt.zoom.us/my/cpcourtmediationvideo   cpcourtmediationvideo

Magistrate criminal arraignments  https://summitcpcourt.zoom.us/my/magarraignments     magarraignments